Valdepajares Natural Paradise

Tourism Index

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This nature reserve is a natural paradise in the heart of Peraleda. They have guided visits and different workshops for rural tourism which will let you know and experience how its ecosystem works. This is how they introduce themselves:

Vivencia Dehesa (Dehesa Experience) is the result of the regeneration project of the Valdepajares de Tajo property (in Extremadura, Spain) Private Area of Ecological Interest. After several years of dedication to preserve and enhance the landscape, we have achieved an extraordinary balance of different ecosystems, becoming nowadays a reference with excellent biodiversity and a paradise for birds and wildlife. This is a new way of understanding the protection and conservation of Natural Areas. Committed to spreading our philosophy, Vivencia Dehesa offers a farm for teaching and learning about nature and agriculture, sharing experiences through our routes, courses, activities and the natural products we elaborate.

For more information and for reservations visit their website:




Escrito por Angel Castaño

Apóyanos con tu firma para salvar el Dolmen de Guadalperal y también para salvar el retablo esgrafiado de Peraleda.

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