St Francis Abbey: craddle of the evangelization of America

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16th century

Only a few miles away from Peraleda you will get to Belvis de Monroy. A little before that you will see, on the left, a detour going to St. Francis Abbey (Convento de San Francisco). This Abbey is now in ruins, though partially rehabilitated. It is located in a beautiful area near the river Tagus.

Right after Columbus discovered America, the Spanish king and queen decided to evangelize the new world. Twelve monks from this convent were chosen to go with Columbus on his second journey, and they all came from this very abbey. They are known as "the twelve apostles of the Americas". That's why we can say that Christianity in America was somehow born in this place.

Next to the convent there is a picnic area and a nice stone path decorated with the stelas of the 12 missionaries carved in an Aztec style by the Mexican architect, settled in Peraleda, Favier. Another path goes up to a chapel overseeing Valdecañas reservoir and also the castle of Belvis, hardly a kilometre away from there.




Escrito por Angel Castaño

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