Geopark Villuercas-Ibores-Jara

Tourism Index

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Right where Peraleda ends, across the river, starts the Geopark, declared by UNESCO of world interest.

Discover one of the oldest places on Earth, hidden in the inner lands of Extremadura, where geology and nature meet to offer an amazing touristic experience. Beautiful mountains, incredible landscapes, deep forests, rivers, caves full of stalagmites, hiking trails, abundant flora and fauna, gastronomy, handicrafts, castles, monasteries, picturesque villages... anything you want is here, and just as everything else we have, almost totally unknown, so come discover it.


More information on their website (and indeed so unknown that, as of today, they don't even have an English version, sorry):


Start here:


Escrito por Angel Castaño

Apóyanos con tu firma para salvar el Dolmen de Guadalperal y también para salvar el retablo esgrafiado de Peraleda.

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